Sunday, November 20, 2011

25 things

They say people who write down their goals are much more likely to achieve them.  So here it goes -  these are the 25 things I want to accomplish before turning 25.  Some are big, some small, some are maybe impossible but it never hurts to dream right?

1. Finish grad school applications
2. Visit my boyfriend in TZ
3. Visit Heather in Wales (and maybe see a member of the royal family)
4. Visit Phin
5. Get into a good MPH Program
6. Learn how to use my fancy camera
7. Go wine tasting with Morgan
8. Crow Pose
9. Cook at least one meal a week
10. Lose 20 pounds
11. Have my bf visit me in AZ or wherever I might be living
12. Start volunteering with International Rescue Committee in Phoenix
13. Run a 10k
14. Meet Baby Maxwell :) 
15. Go camping
16. Yoga headstand
17. Get those sparkly TOMS at Nordstroms... or maybe the pretty lace ones
18. Read a new book every month at minimum - suggestions welcome!
19. Clean out my closet
20. Keep a budget
21. Do my own taxes
22. Send at least one card or letter a week (snail mail style)
23. Take Tyler to the zoo
24. Improve my French and Kiswahili
25. Learn how to do car things